How to do Map Stuff: A Live Community Sharing Event

Friends, many of us are stuck at home during this pandemic, and will be for a while (and we’re the fortunate ones, vs. those whose jobs force them to regularly risk infection). It’s a stressful, anxious, and isolating time.

So here’s an idea I had at 1:00 AM, one random night:

“How to do Map Stuff”: A series of live online mapping workshops — Wednesday April 29th (or April 30th, if you’re in the Pacific), 2020

Many of you know that I do occasional map livestream events, in which I casually take people through some project of mine, or show off some technique. So, my thought is: let’s just have a bunch of people all do those on the same day. I imagine a daylong event consisting of 30–60 minute live tutorials. Each person hosts their own stream on YouTube, and the audience can move from presenter to presenter throughout the day. And then, once we’re done, those videos reside on YouTube for future folks to find and learn from.

The Event

When I first posted the call for volunteers in mid-March, I had no idea it would get so big. I’m very excited that over two dozen people offered to give presentations! Now that the event is over, you can catch the presentations here:

I’m so grateful to all of you who presented, and all of you who tuned in from around the world. Thanks for making a special day possible! And if you weren’t there for some or all of it, the videos remain a gold mine of information. Make sure to let the presenters know you enjoyed the knowledge that they had to share.

(This post was last updated May 8, 2020 to reflect the end of the event.)

22 thoughts on “How to do Map Stuff: A Live Community Sharing Event

  1. This is so wonderful! Many thanks to all of you doing it. I’m not going to be able to tune in to all of them today, sadly – will they be made available for viewing afterwards (I can move some of my schedule around if not)?

    1. They will be! Just click the link to their presentation and you’ll be taken to a recording (if it’s one of the YouTube ones). There will also be a playlist eventually.

  2. Hi There,
    I’m not sure where to leave this feedback but I’ll try here for now. I tried to join “Effective map labelling with MAPublisher and Natural Earth data” but they switched to a different YouTube link due to technical problems but I could never find the new link – can you add the updated link of the recording to the google sheet? I also tried to join “Get Started with Google Earth Engine” but the Zoom quickly reached the 100 person max limit so I was wondering if you could share a recording as well. Hopefully I can make it in for the next presentation at 10:00 PDT.
    Thanks for organizing,

    1. Looking at Hans’s Twitter, it looks like he had some stream problems and will be uploading a video later, but I have not seen a link to it. As for Zoom, I’m sorry you weren’t able to join. A couple of our presenters were more comfortable in Zoom (it’s easier to use from a presenter end, certainly!), and the free Zoom license is limited to 100 people. I expect there will be a video coming out at some point of that, and it will eventually get put on the sheet.

  3. I’m really disappointed that I could not get into Vanessa Knopple-Wetzel’s session “Recreating Vintage Map Aesthetics” this afternoon. All I got was a Zoom message saying: “Please wait, the meeting host will let you in soon,” but I was never allowed in.

    1. I don’t think any of us anticipated that so many people would want to attend the event, and so we ran into the 100-person limit for those presenters who used Zoom. I’m sorry you weren’t able to make it, but I believe it will be recorded, and that link will be put on the schedule when it’s ready, and probably circulated elsewhere.

      1. Yay, I hope so, that would be great! I figured the problem must be a Zoom limit. (Note to self: login even earlier next time :-). BTW, Daniel, I really enjoyed your Fundamentals of Label Placement this AM. It was very helpful & interesting and I made many, many notes. Thanks.

  4. This was a great idea! to have these relatively short and informal presentations available at different times. And a great variety of topics. I found it very helpful and it was nice to reconnect to other GIS’ers. Alberto Nieto’s presentation was especially helpful for me.
    Thank you and to the presenters

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